...provide value to clients in the area of process engineering, design, and problem solving.  Many unique projects in the area of bulk material handling systems have been designed and executed...involving such components as dust suppression units...dust collection systems...pneumatic conveying systems...and agglomeration of materials.
Extensive experience has been gained through installations in the fossil fuel industry, including design of slurry transfer systems, slurrying and transport of fly ash...process controls of many types...and related systems work.
The Slogan Systems consulting group includes individuals with national reputations for expertise in analytical and process chemistry, including the physical testing of bulk materials...and with significant contacts with regulatory agencies.  They are of inherent service in all projects requiring skilled expertise.


Slurry pump and piping systems include preparation plant experience, refuse transfer lines, long distance transport lines, transfer of high density particles, sump design, valve and piping recommendations and problem solving.  Design of lagoons/holding impoundments for precipitation of solids.  
Bulk material flow systems include live bin activators, live bin screw feeders, gravimetric belt feeds, weigh scales, convey and/or vertical tray dryers, rotary dryers and coolers, pug mills and mixers, belt and screw conveyors, and bucket elevators.
Fly and bottom ash projects for the steel and utility industry, including design of fly ash injection systems for the Federal Beaureau of Mines rated at 225 TPH which makes it the largest ever designed and operating.
Consulting services, including obtaining of environmental permits for regulatory approval.  Complete technical expertisse on both bulk material handling projects and chemical process problem solving.


Slogan Systems...involve these commitments
To solicit only those clients' bids where successful prior system experience and field design performance can be referenced.   
To design, supervise, and construct systems at capital cost commensurate with project needs, regulatory guidelines, and proven performance.
To provide start-up, project management, and management services that insure the succesful on-stream operation of the system.
To work closely and coordinate efforts with the clients' assigned engineers.
To maintain a professional work effort and interest in the clients' behalf.
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